In order to prepare the engine, the connecting rods needed to be protected. The bolts were cleaned and, after being instructed, Carter applied the sealant, and the bolts were applied to hold the crankcase together. There was a demonstration regarding how to inspect an oil filter and also an explanation how to correctly install the […]
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December 19, 2024 Work Session
The program gained a new participant, Titus, who was assisted by Zadoc to craft his name tag. Jonathon and Carter researched a bolt that was needed. The rudder pedal was linked to the steering yoke. Time was taken to explain the function of a solenoid.
Work Session December 12, 2024
The work continues as the Cessna begins to take shape. +The cowling was attached after Carter finished the last bracket. +Mentors Jay and Bill took the brake pads’ lining off. In cramped quarters Tony, Jonathon and Josiah continue to work on the brakes.+The crankcase will soon be put together. Jonathon and Josiah practiced using silk […]
Work Session November 7, 2024
Progress continues to be made on the brakes and tires along with the seals for the cowling.
Work Session October 31, 2024
Our group used our time for a demonstration of putting together a portion of the engine. The engine mount was repaired and ready to be reinstalled.
Work Session October 24, 2024
It was discovered that the engine mount had a small dent; therefore, it had to be removed. The voltage regulator and brake hoses were installed. The dimensions of a bolt needed for the wheels was determined using the parts catalog. The safety wire was simulated by one of our mentors.
Work Session October 10th and 17th, 2024
The brake hardware was removed from the donor Cessna 150L in preparation for mounting the brakes. The snap ring tool was used to put the steering collar on the nose gear. Participants learned how to use the saw while cutting steel tubing. The following week work continued on the brakes which included cleaning the brake […]
Work Session September 26, 2024
Another busy evening which included two new participants making their name badges. Nate and Abella were supported by the team from Vertex as they begin to rebuild the nose strut. They successfully removed the nose wheel to begin the process. Mentors continued to clean and inspect more parts.
Work Session September 19, 2024
We were greeted by Mark Burns who had barbequed a delicious meal of hamburgers, portabella mushrooms, beans and salad, and drinks for all to enjoy. Four new participants joined us and were led by Nathan (youth participant) to create their badges. Penelope completed the riveting for the seal for the cowling. Carter and Jay (mentor) […]
Student C-150 Rebuild Project:
SkY Flight

We welcome donations to fund the parts and materials needed to keep this project moving forward. EAA Chapter 818 is a 501(c)(3) organization, so all contributions are tax deductible. If you'd like to donate cash or resellable items, please contact Dan Holden at
Young Eagles Events and Photos
Young Eagles is an EAA-exclusive program that gives young people their first flying experiences. Chapter 818 typically holds two Young Eagles rallies a year. Click here to view and download images from our past Young Eagles rallies. And contact Doug Seward, our YE coordinator (, if you'd like to join our next event and give your child the thrill of their first flight.