SkY Flight Project

SkY Flight (Skagit Youth Flight) is a chapter-sponsored project to introduce local high school students to what it takes to build and maintain aircraft. The goal is to make a flyable Cessna 150 out of two donor airplanes. The students will do most of the work, with assistance and supervision from members of Chapter 818 and some local A&P technicians.

SkY Flight meets every Thursday evening at 6 pm at the Skagit Regional Airport, hangar 300 on the south side of the field. From Highway 20, take Higgins Airport Way north, turn left at the sign for the Heritage Flight Museum, then look for the SkY Flight sign on the right. New students and parents are welcome–just show up to the next work session. Or you can contact Dan Holden ( or Jay Findlay ( for more info.

Project Status Updates

  • Work Session 8/29/24

    Participants, parents and mentors separated into groups of interest. The wings were pulled out of storage in the hangar and cleaned. The engine crankcase was scrubbed and sprayed with a dye penetrant to check for cracks. Work continued on the battery box.

  • Work Session 8/22/24

    Scrubbing the parts begin as Carter and Carlo learn how to use the drill press.

  • Work Session 8/8/24

    We continue to work on getting the battery box ready to mount.